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My files | Views: 610 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: Sen-Sei | Date: 05.19.2019

My files | Views: 591 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: Sen-Sei | Date: 05.04.2019

My files | Views: 677 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: Sen-Sei | Date: 05.14.2016


My files | Views: 1011 | Downloads: 42 | Added by: Sen-Sei | Date: 12.14.2015

My files | Views: 801 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: Sen-Sei | Date: 10.26.2015

  All know, that a car consumes less fuel at the big speed. It means, that inertia can make work constantly. The submitted motor-generator can accumulate inertia of the automobile permanently, but not only during braking as it is usual. This effect is reached by that the motor-generator has some rotors. These rotors have different radiuses and can work in different modes. Due of this difference of radiuses the motor-generator has effect of a gearbox  too. Hence the  losses on an impedance decrease very much.


Is patentend under number: AP 2012 012578 /22/

My files | Views: 1386 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: Sen-Sei | Date: 05.28.2014


Such trimaran could be invented more than 100 years ago when the first electromotors and accumulators have appeared.


But such design is not present neither in patent archives, nor in textbooks as bad examples.

The similar design has been offered only in 2011 by professor Andre Sheron.

But it has been made after the publication of the submitted project at competition of NASA:

 The first application for the submitted trimaran has been sent in 1997 at number № 1777-01/97.

My files | Views: 856 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: Sen-Sei | Date: 01.23.2014

The application for this wing has been sent in the Patent Bureau on March, 18, 2003 at number № 4192/01/-003. But then all experts have told, that it is phantasmagoria as it has no value what pressure there will be inside a wing - the main thing is a difference of pressure between the bottom and top surfaces of a wing..

    But in ten years the Russian scientists have lead experiments with the "cut" wings and have received improbable results: carrying capacity has increased more than in 2 times, take-off and  landing speed has decreased on 25 - 30 %, and cruiser speed of the plane has on the contrary - increased for 30 %.
  This principle will be more effective on a wind and water- turbine. Cuts on blades increase the area of pressure of a wind or water a minimum on 50 %. Hence capacity increases too. The cavitation  on water-wheels will decrease. Pressure inside the blade will not be compensated by pressure from above. On the contrary - they will be summarized.

More complex variants of the turbine are possible:  with additional planes inside and jet cuts on the bottom part of the blade. 

This variant of the turbine has been  awarded with the diploma of Energy Globe

My files | Views: 1165 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: Sen-Sei | Date: 01.13.2014


                    mv < mvr                                                

          m< mr2                                  

Everyone recognize elementary true, that centrifugal force inside a rotating body "is fictitious" - it cannot change kinetic energy of a body and make work. As though there is no such experiment or the theory which proves "capacity" of centrifugal acceleration.

  But what force breaks off a flywheel at rather small speeds of rotation? Why rectilinearly moving body does not collapse at the same speeds? A record of speed of the rocket which has left solar system - 240000 km / h, and a record of the firmest flywheel per the world only 80000 rev/min, that in recalculation for linear speeds at radius in 1 meter makes about 5000 km / h.

In what way "fictitious" force can break off flywheels at such small "space" speed, not increasing kinetic energy of a flywheel and not making work thus?


My files | Views: 4910 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: Sen-Sei | Date: 04.29.2011

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