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05.04.2019, 10:21 PM

This turbine has no analogues. It is the only one in the world that contains turboexpander.

The uniqueness of this turbine has already been proven by the fact that it has received a patent.

This turbine has been tested on two computer simulation programs. They showed that the power of the vertical turbine with propellers is 3 times more than without them. And when you add a turbo expander the power becomes 5 times more, as the turboexpander absorbs not only the pressure energy but also the energy of the flow temperature too.

This effect is reached by that between vertical blades of the turbine horizontal propellers are located, which force air in space between blades.

Such horizontal propellers can be a more with different radii. Moreover the upper propeller also absorbs wind energy.

Between these propellers in the center of the turbine is placed a turboexpander which will acquire capacity of forced air.

The raised pressure inside the turbine presses on all blades and expander equally and forces them to rotate, аs these blades are located to internal pressure under a sharp corner.

Thus, the work is performed by all side blades, in contrast to conventional vertical turbines, in which only 1/3 of the blades do the work, and the remaining 2/3 of them either rotate upwind or idle.

This movement of winds inside makes this climate turbine very resistant to hurricanes, since the force of a hurricane turns into energy of rotation and not longitudinal vibrations.

This turbine can cool air. This effect is reached by that the turbine contains the turboexspander . The air extends on it and will be cooled.

So the cascade of these turbines can be arranged around solar power plants. They will cool the solar panels and therefore increase their power. In addition, they will generate additional electricity at night.

Different variants of combined turbine are possible - with different vortex effects. For example:


  1. The version without turboexpander in the middle will not be able to cool the air, but the propellers will be able to create higher pressure inside and therefore on the side blades.
  2. The flat version with one propeller and with a shield in front of those side blades that rotate upwind. The correct direction of this shield is automatically adjusted by the wind vane.

Such a flat version can be installed on the roofs of ships.

This flat version can also be an element of landscape design. In recreation parks, it can provide electricity for night-time lamps.

  1. It can also be installed on cars as an additional source of energy.

In this case, it can have dimensions with a diameter of up to 1 meter and a height of up to 50 centimeters and generate an additional 3-5 kilowatts of electricity at a vehicle speed of 40 kilometers per hour.


  1. According to the principle of this turbine, it can also made a hubcaps for car wheels, which will save gasoline and cool the air.



  1.   Based on the principle of this turbine, a new type of turbo air conditioner has been designed.

In this turbo-conditioner, the cooling of the air is enhanced by the ejection effect in addition.

Analysis of this turbo air conditioner at the Solid Works program showed that it can cool the air at a minimum of 25 degrees - that is, if the temperature of the incoming flow is 35 degrees, then the outgoing 10 degrees Celsius.

At the same time, electricity consumption is 3 times less than in other air conditioners.

The details of this innovation have been kept secret for now.

This turbine can be used in hydroelectric power plants too.

In this version, an additional reactive force is created, since the water comes out from the side blades with a high velocity.

In conventional hydro turbines, the side layer of water simply rubs against the wall of the pipeline.

This turbine can also be integrated into ventilation systems. Such a system will not just ventilate the air, but also cool it.

Turbine can have other modes of operation too. For example, if the propeller will deflate air from inside the turbine, then it is possible that the static atmospheric pressure will press on the side blades and do the work.

But most likely this mode will be less energy efficient, since the static atmospheric pressure is blown away by the wind.

Category: My files | Added by: Sen-Sei
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